viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008


The ancient civilizations,a s at the present they have diferrences and similarities that make their of life different and therefore their development from firure, this is the case of the greek and the roman, there are similarities, nut in turn when we look at the specific details we realize that the exist differences that are also important.

one similarity, is the structutr of their social position, both have hierarchy, there are a triangle structure, aslo, the education for the children are very similar because in the borh cultures, the girls didn`t went to the school, they were in the house with their mothers and the boys went to work with their fathers.

A major difference is that the religion, because the roman ancient civilization always has belived in god, while the gried hasn´t belive in a specific god, they had many suprem god; although, that in both cultures the boy work with their father, in greek civilizations, some boys went to school to learn to orient the cibilizarions.

in summary. these abcient civilizations have similarities in common, but when we see in a specific details find inportant differences, also differ from their development.

witten by: carolina Bustos


Ar the moment, they are many children and young that abandon schools and universities, for simple reasons that clearly they can be overcome, what brings of the hand a literacy index but i lower in oru country.

firstly, the srudentes of schools of basic primary, they give up their studies because they haven´t been provide an appropiate preescolar, what brings as effect a difficulty in the first year old educational proccess of basic primary, for example, a boy that inly had spent by a year of preescolar he doesn`t have the necesary tool tools ti face a first grade where demands to reas and ti write the perfection, wirh that wich the boy feels unable and he decides not to continue with his educational process.

additionally, in the universities the same additional situation to that the universtity atmosphere is difficult to manage happenes a little, since it demands an autonomy to know how to manage appropiately liberating that here it is university, difficulty will know that it is adapted as fot its actions, leaving you ti take for the party, the alcohol and many times the drug.

this problem is not alone of our country, but also of most of countries for not sayong all, clear this that different deprh and with additional reasons that in if they take to the same problem.

in conclusion, we are faced to a situation where the govermnet will create campaigns to avoid the student desertion, for the very individual of each inhabitant and the same progress of the country.

written by: carolina bustos

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008

advantages and disadvantages of mass media

Nowadays, people that not have access to mass media are people who don´t know many things about the world but what are the advantages and disadvantages of mass media and how mass media affects the human life.

To begin with, mass media inform us about the events that happen in our country and around the world too For example, we are in Bogotá, but thanks to mass media we can to know about the political or social events of Asia and Europe as the result, statistics show that approximately 15% of the population receive information only from mass media many people spend the day reading newspaper and magazines to see the events around the politic, the healthy, education, etc

Furthermore another advantage of mass media is that many people can communicate with their families or with their friends Actually, people travel around the world and by this reason they need a good way in order to not lose the contact with their families in their native country, The studies reveal that approximately 95% of the population use electronic devices for their communication for example: mobile phones, telephones, computers, etc.

Mass media have some disadvantages for example cannot be real information because some newspapers manipulate the information in some cases, furthermore in some cases people break their familiar bows break the communication bows and people put in risk the familiar union, the statistics show us that 80% of young people pass approximately 6 hours in the computer or listen music in their iPods As the result young people forget the familiar events, the familiar dialog because the electronic devices occupy all of their time because t forget the exterior world

Finally in my opinion I believe that the mass media is important for individual and social development nevertheless each person should make an appropriate use about the information that receive and about electronic devices that take part.

writting by kelly martinez

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008



Bogota has a people that arrive from other countries from different facts: violence, search of work, improve life quality, but when then arrive to this city find that the oportunities aren't how the think, for this reason we see poor people in our city, adittional to the people that were born in Bogota the people that don't have money, search this, ask in the street.

first of all, many people move with this situation, for this, when any person asks begs for money, and you can evidence her/his need with only you see, you will give money to them.

in adittion, you find people that search the money with other kind of work, for example in the street or in the transport you find people that sell some products, they work in this way, and the other people help them buy their products, it is better that they work i8n informal job, in this form doesn't increase the insecurity in our city.

on the other hand,w3e believe that the solution is to give then (poor people in the street) money, but isn't the really way to end to this problem, if we do a reflection about the ministro opinion we find that with this situatiob our city wont development, and every day poverty increase.

in conclusion, bogota's inhabitants don't create road to find the solution, some people don't give money to help poor people, but don't help to search a way to end thjis problem, is for this that every one should think, do a reflection and create a easy solution that step for step end for finish with this problem.

written by: carolina bustos

martes, 20 de mayo de 2008

Between the life and the death

The life is a fundamental law of every human being and most important nevertheless nowadays in numerous occasions we do not respect and pass it over this, since we do it in the abortion, where defenseless beings suffer the consequences of the others persons.

Nowadays many young women between 14 and 18 years remain pregnant women. Nonetheless, Eliminating the problem resolves nothing, but instead often triggers a long path of guilt and depression. In a rapidity to solve the problem, we ignore the long term consequences for both: mother and child. both will suffer inevitably
One dies physically, the other begins dying spiritually and emotionally. For this the statistics they show us that 80 % of the women who abort in a nearby future presents problems of relation with other persons due to his low emotional condition.

On the other hand already looking at the risks as for the health of the woman who surrenders to an abortion we can say that Ten percent of women undergoing elective abortion will suffer immediate complications, of which one-fifth are considered life-threatening. The most common complications that can occur at the time of an abortion are: ripping or perforation of the uterus, excessive bleeding, infection, embolism, convulsions, hemorrhage, cervical injury, endotoxic shock, fever, second degree burns, vomiting, and chronic abdominal pain.

Nevertheless some people believe that woman should have the choice to have an abortion if she is raped, impregnated by a disturbed man or by incest. And that this would be unjust to force a rape victim to bear an unwanted baby and give up all the dreams she ever had and be reminded of that rape for the rest of her life.

In conclusion I think that we should to respect the life of the person who comes in way without importer the circumstances for which this one there, he is an alive being who as us deserves the opportunity to live and enjoy the world in which we live.

writting by kelly martinez

sábado, 26 de abril de 2008


From always our society has divided in different cultural groups each one with his traditions and cultures, but nevertheless inside these differences many points exist jointly, for this the Maya and the Incas were ancient civilization that left his history manifest for the whole world.

A similarity between these two ancient civilizations was their location, the two were in South America, for Mayas and Incas civilizations the spiritual aspect and the religion was very important for them centered around the worship of many nature gods. Their amazing architecture remains as great ruins at centers they used for religious ceremonies, also developed wrote because the two cultures used pictures or drawings called pictographs. Each picture had its own meaning. Write in full sentences and even stories. A story was made by drawing several pictures together.

The most important difference was in the art because Of the epoch Inca arts were the height of the stone and of the madrea. And the ancient Maya appreciated beauty, storytelling and drama. Scientists can tell this be examining their sculpture, ceramics, mosaics, painting, weaving, and clothing and costume design.

Finally in these two big civilizations there were a great set of men and women with big capacities, which it came to a enormous development and these civilizations noticeable the history,




Nowadays, the work is necessary to have money and this form, spend in the house, personal care savings, food clothes, education and other things, for this reason you are all the time working in this space you have relationships but sometimes these relations affect your motivation at work because are work and feelings together .

First of all, when you work with your best friend the thing in the beginning can be good but after a long time the things change because each one lose self control and the tolerance finished as a result are professional and personal problems too. Furthermore you can all time talk with your friend the other things less work and this can distraction of your responsibilities with work.

On the other hand can be that work and friends had a good relation because have same ideas and your opinion complain with other friend and do a wonderful team work

Finally depend of friend and that relation that you have with this. But the most important is that your difference the problems the work and the friendly.

writting by kelly martinez

video caro

The ancient civilization`s heroes

In the Greek mythology, many heroes existed, but among those but important they are Aquiles and Paris, heroes the same as many significant in the history, although they were able to mark the difference with each one of their histories.

These two heroes have likeness among which we find: both are Greek heroes, both participated in the war of Troya and with their history they have left an indelible print, as for the physical appearance we can say that both had big and strong bodies as warriors that are both.

As well as likeness exist differences they exist among these two heroes: Achilles and Paris, since the history of their births and the origin and mean of their names are different, the same as the expectation that their parents had toward them, without although the difference but important and the essential is that After rejecting to the Trojan ones before the walls of the city, Paris shot him an arrow to Aquiles that guessed right in its vulnerable point thanks to Apolo's help.

Finally, these two heroes were and they are even it for the Greek civilization, they were warring and they created history in this, leaving a review that still in our days it continues effective and it is known in all the cultures.

By : Carolina Bustos

carolina video

viernes, 25 de abril de 2008

martes, 22 de abril de 2008

domingo, 20 de abril de 2008

Egypt and china

From always they have existed a great diversity of cultures where different thoughts are reflected, this essay was showing some aspects of the ancient civilizations like it they are Egypt and china writing about aspects religion, culture, and economic While there will of course be some similarities, there will also be some noteworthy differences. I will outline some of these with reference culture of these countries.

One similarity is in the religion the both civilization They were adoring gods of the nature as the Sun, the rain and wind Both, moreover the religion was too essential without importing the social level or position as well in the cultural aspect both civilizations were involved for the managing of the writing, Finally in the economic aspect it was based on the agriculture of varied products.

Nevertheless, there are some conspicuous differences. A major difference was The culture aspects: As that Egypt illustrates his manual skill having an affirmation of his beliefs, since it is rich and varied, it appears both in the temples and in the pyramids like delicate adornments and amulets. Whereas china not, In addition each civilization had a different way of interpreting the religion since the Egyptians were polytheistic and the whole thing what one was finding around it was exalted, china was of monotheistic character, last The Egyptians to part of the agriculture were devoting themselves industrially to the construction of ships, the exploitation of the quarries and the manufacture of textiles, ceramics and glass. while china use his principal and exclusive resource the agriculture, being his more central products was the rice, wheat, tea, cotton.

In summary, Every village in the ancient period was specific, there was possessing both economic and social culture different one of other one, they were to have unusual characteristics that were making it be exceptional. They had different ways of living and of survival. Only in some features they had some similar, but seeing them of general form, your political principles, his culture, his art, his religions, etc. One sees that they were different.
writting by kelly martinez

viernes, 18 de abril de 2008

mayas and aztecas

mayas and aztecas

When we do a comparison, we find so much similar as different things, these contrasts in case of the ancient civilizations are those who determine the development of these. This one is the case of the civilizations as the mayas and the Aztecs, these aspects were that determined the future of these civilizations

A similarity between these two ancient civilizations was their location, the two were in Mexican, additional territory to which so many people the Maya as Aztecs were useful the land of agricultural value as economic way, the Aztecs developed potentially the agriculture and the Maya constructed buildings on these soils.

The principal difference is that The Aztec mythology was establishing that it had to feed to the Sun on human blood to give its force and that it was dawning every day, The Aztecs No contributed neither no significant technology, nor religious ideas or political theories of importance. while The Maya stood out in sciences as the mathematics and the astronomy. The knowledge and the capacity of prediction of the movement of the stars and the planets

In spite of their strong points and their differences, these ancient civilizations ended for disappearing.

written by: carolina bustos

domingo, 30 de marzo de 2008