sábado, 26 de abril de 2008

The ancient civilization`s heroes

In the Greek mythology, many heroes existed, but among those but important they are Aquiles and Paris, heroes the same as many significant in the history, although they were able to mark the difference with each one of their histories.

These two heroes have likeness among which we find: both are Greek heroes, both participated in the war of Troya and with their history they have left an indelible print, as for the physical appearance we can say that both had big and strong bodies as warriors that are both.

As well as likeness exist differences they exist among these two heroes: Achilles and Paris, since the history of their births and the origin and mean of their names are different, the same as the expectation that their parents had toward them, without although the difference but important and the essential is that After rejecting to the Trojan ones before the walls of the city, Paris shot him an arrow to Aquiles that guessed right in its vulnerable point thanks to Apolo's help.

Finally, these two heroes were and they are even it for the Greek civilization, they were warring and they created history in this, leaving a review that still in our days it continues effective and it is known in all the cultures.

By : Carolina Bustos

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